Circa 1932-Lunch Atop a Skyscraper
1905 Shipbuilding Welder
Circa 1910-Log Pond
Cotton Mill 1909 Courtesy of Smithsonian
Circa 1920-Dipper

AHA BLS Provider CPR - INITIAL - 8/31/24

**Pre-registration is mandatory and is recommended to be completed at least 1 week in advance. Cancellations must be received prior to class to avoid penalties**

Linda Kjesbu
Date of Class: 
Saturday, August 31, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm

Course follows 2020 AHA Guidelines. Course is intended, for those who are taking this level of CPR for the first time.  Course covers one-person,  two-person rescuer, team rescue on adult, child and infant, and includesskills on bag-valve, pocket mask and AED, as well as the relief of a foreign body airway obstruction.  All participants will take a written and skills test. *Although masking is no longer mandated, NCSC strongly encourages masking when in an enclosed space with strangers.  For those who must protect themselves (immuno-compromised, or those who may work with or come home to a vulnerable individual) N95s and other masking options are provided*
